Many of you seem to have TOTALLY ignored the fact that this MSc course is about the strategic use of Business IT. You all have a PgD in this area so you are supposed to at least know what it means.
If your outcome does NOT lead to or imply the strategic deployment of IT resources to solve whatever is your presenting problem then it will NOT be acceptable.
Many of you are getting muddled here. It is quite possible for something to be strategically important for a company but not represent the strategic deployment of IT. For example, a company might for strategic business reasons want to move its headquarters and that may or may not mean that a decision has to be taken regarding IT resources. Some examples might help:
1. Suppose you write an outcome about use of Kiosk technology in large stores. That is fine if you can show that it implies a decision, based on the use of your outcome, by the company to deploy strategic IT resources to support it.
2. Suppose your outcome is about a plan for improving staff competence in the use of the computerized accounting system. Well as a plan that is ok but in what way does it involve the deployment of IT resources in its resolution? One cannot call a plan for getting better accounting system competencies being used to deploy IT resources. One might argue here that with greater competencies we are better able to deploy existing IT resources.
But the issues is that YOU have to convince us that there is IT learning and that there is IT deployment. If you don't you will not pass.